Yondan Pass for Sharif
On Friday 23rd September Sharif Ebrahimi from Walsall Karate Dojo training with our World Chief Instructor Masao Kagawa Shihan and other JKS Headquarters instructors at a JKS International Seminar held in Dublin, Ireland.
The event preceeded two days of championships at the JKS International Cup with 30 JKS National teams competing against each other.
Following the seminar was a dan grading and we are pleased to announce that Sharif passsed his JKS Yondan grade. Sharif has a long history in training in Shotokan Karate and his record speaks for itself. He is the current BKF British veteran kata champion and the a great ambassador on the competition circuit for ouor dojo.
Sharif is pictured with the grading panel including Kanayama Sensei, Yamaguchi Sensei and Matsue Sensei.