October Tigers Grading
On Saturday 14th October we held our fourth and final Tigers grading of 2017 at Walsall Karate Dojo. The Tigers follow an age-specific karate syllabus designed for 4-7 year-olds.
This time 34 Tigers were successful. All the Tigers are listed below. A big thank you to Tanya, Sydney, Ben, Cara, Callum, Leo and Anthony for leading the groups. Also a big thanks to Isabella, Josh and Thomas for their inspiring demonstrations that the Tigers loved.
In terms of standards this was the best Tigers grading we have seen and all Tigers should be very proud of themselves!
Congratulations to:
1st Mon: Luis Crooks, Hope Green, Noah Macbeth, Sebastian Vitta, Talha Waqar, Callum Whittle.
2nd Mon: James Broomhall, A.C., Arian Elaouami, Emilia Kurdyk, Avaani Mahay, Jack Nuttall, Joseph O'Flaherty.
3rd Mon: Cole Jennnings, Khadija Kamran, Suleyman Kamran, Armaan Mahay, Ciprian Nicolae, Wyatt Raybould.
4th Mon: Danyaal Fazal, Ruby Mackman, Yuvraj Marwaha, Szymon Nowikowski.
5th Mon: Dixie Howarth, Imogen Milligan, Anand Sihota.
6th Mon: Danny Meade, Megan Meade, Callum Sloss, Dylan Young.
7th Mon: Tomasz Braszka, Alex Kosakowski, Ryan Peck.
8th Mon: Calum Turner.